Tips For Battling Depression…

Tips for battling depression

5 Practical Tips for Battling Depression

…and yes, it is a battle.

Don’t Sleep Too Much (or too little)

Do your best to get yourself into a routine where you go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time. Sleeping late and/or taking lots of naps will only worsen your feelings of lethargy and make depression even harder to cope with.

Eat Well

This may seem obvious, but pay attention to your diet. Junk food and snacks will sap your energy in the long run and not be beneficial to your thought patterns, so try to eat a balanced, healthy diet with three meals a day.

Be Kind To Yourself

Remember how you used to love to take bubble baths, get a massage, listen to music? Do those things again in order to bring some enjoyment into your life, and remember, it is OK to feel good, too!


Some people find this easy, but most don’t, especially when they are feeling down. However, prime yourself with the certain knowledge that you will feel better afterwards, mentally and physically. The rewards are immense!

Practice Self Acceptance

It is easy to get down on ourselves when we are feeling depressed. Self blame will consistently raise it’s ugly head and make us feel worse. Remember you are who you know yourself to be, not what others think of you. No one in the world is better than you, or perfect. Many aspects go into defining who we are, but no one is all good or all bad.

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